• (512) 528-5528
  • info@spanishoakseyecare.com

Pediatric Eye Exams

Ages 5 and up


We’ve got experience getting kids engaged in the eye care process.

We have a friendly and caring approach to optometry. We take the time to get to know your child, find out what interests them, and create an clinic environment that is comfortable and welcoming. With young children especially, we use language that is easy for them to understand, demonstrate how the equipment works, and make sure they feel safe throughout the examination.

Our eye exams pay particular attention to the developing eyes of our pediatric patients to ensure that any developing eye condition is dealt with quickly and decisively.

Do you see what I see?

Well, not necessarily. Because your child naturally adapts to their growing and changing eyes, they may not notice when a vision problem pops up, thinking they see the same way everyone else does. Kids aren’t aware that normal isn’t supposed to be out of focus.

Unfortunately, when they do notice something is wrong, most children struggle to properly articulate the significance or prevalence of their vision impairment, meaning that they often go long periods of time before having their vision concerns resolved. Luckily, our comprehensive testing knows exactly the right words to say.

Often, it takes early detection for successful corrective treatment. That’s why we highly recommend children have their first eye exam by the age of five. We feel that it’s important that their early experience with optometry is one of fun and comfort to encourage life long vision health.

Early childhood is the most critical time for a child's vision development. Blurry vision can prevent the visual system from developing properly, leading to permanent problems later in life

Refractive Errors: different types of prescriptions


Nearsightedness (myopia- minus prescription), an eye condition most commonly diagnosed in childhood, can cause your distance vision to become blurry. Myopia can progress and worsen over time, leading to more severe sight conditions later in life such as retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts.

We offer a variety of solutions to control and manage myopia at any age.


Farsightedness (hyperopia- plus prescription) is a common vision condition in which you can see distant objects clearly, but objects nearby may be blurry.

The degree of your farsightedness influences your focusing ability. People with severe farsightedness may be able to clearly see only objects a great distance away, while those with mild farsightedness may be able to clearly see objects that are closer as well. 


Astigmatism (uh-STIG-muh-tiz-um) is a common and treatable imperfection in the curvature of the eye that causes blurred distance and near vision.

Astigmatism occurs when either the front surface of the eye (cornea) or the lens inside the eye has mismatched curves. Instead of having one curve like a round ball, the surface is egg-shaped. This causes blurred vision at all distances.

Astigmatism may occur in combination with nearsightedness or farsightedness.  

Phone: (512) 528-5528

Fax: (512) 528-5712

Email: info@spanishoakseyecare.com 

Address: 13625 Ronald Reagan Blvd

Bldg 8, Ste 200

Cedar Park, TX 78613

Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm

Closed daily 12 to 1 for lunch

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13625 Ronald Reagan Blvd, Bldg 8, Ste 200, Cedar Park TX 78613